German and International Tax Services
As certified German Tax Advisors we provide our clients with high-level tax advice in regard to any German and international tax issues. Our main competence is in the project driven business for in- & outbound cases and the handling of complex tax audits.
We truly believe that by being excellent and transparent in everything we do there is a solution for every challenge!
We are ready to go the extra mile for our clients. In our project driven business cases we do not shy away from taking the lead by providing Project Management Services throughout all work streams. This holistic approach combined with excellent technical tax skills allows us and our clients to connect the dots and stay on top of things.

We don’t provide out-of-the-box services! We first understand our clients’ specific situation and needs. This allows us to provide customized solution for every project. The clients‘ underlying business should be the foundation for each project. Rather than suggesting our clients to change their operating set up in order to make tax decisions, we provide the most practical and efficient tax solutions within the existing set up.
Hands-On Mentality

With us on board, our clients have a hands-on partner who is willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. We understand that our clients are facing challenges on a daily-bases, therefore, our solutions focus especially on practicability.

Aaron Gerwig LL.M.

Lukas Hamke LL.M.
Adam Gerwig, Diplom Betriebswirt (BA)